The Best About Page On The Internet

When it comes to writers, very few of them are anywhere near as talented as Ash Ambirge.

Ash is one of my favourite writers, internet coaches and online marketers.

Not only because she creates kick-ass articles, courses and books (and I assure you they are amazing).

But because every article she sends for free out into the webosphere literally grabs you by the balls and tells you to live life on your terms.

In this copywriting example, we are going to look at the about page of her website and explain why I feel it is the best about page on the web.

Ready, let's do this.

The Hero Header About Page

I have never seen anyone do this before, so I am going to credit Ash for creating the 'Hero Header About page'.

So, what is it?

The hero section of a website is, in essence, the big section above the fold.

And usually, companies have a big, bold image here, accompanied by a few lines of text that let the visitor know they can solve their problems.

It is like the headline of an article.

Ash uses her about page hero section to transmit a load of information that shows you where she was and what she has achieved.

To do this, she uses the dates 2009 and today.

This is useful because it means that she doesn't have to go in and update this each year and it shows the the tinescale of her journey.

Ash also uses words that we can all align ourselves with, yet are personal to her.

Phrases such as 'betrayed by life' and '$26 + sleeping in my car' tell you in seconds that she has at least once hit rock bottom.

And Ash also bares her personal situation of being an orphan and growing up in a trailer park.

It screams 'this lady has had almost every disadvantage going'.

Yet, with just a glance across the screen (or down on mobile) you get to see where Ash has been able to take her life.

Phrases such as 'CEO +International businesswoman' and 'million dollar writing empire' tell you that Ash is winning at life.

Also, this hero header makes you want to scroll down to read more.

The hero header about page conveys a lot of information to a reader in split seconds.

Testimonials And Links

The next section of The Middle Finger Project about page (and yes, I think we can all agree that the name of her site kicks ass) is a mini testimonials section.

On one side is a small block that houses a scrolling testimonial and next to it are links to what I know are tools Ash uses in her business.

My gut tells me these are affiliate links, and if this is the case, this could be the best display of an entire collection of links I have seen.

It is not only the tools she uses but how she uses them is explained in her words.

The Descending Wall Of Bio Text

Almost every copywriter in history will tell you to break up your text into short paragraphs. The idea that each line forces you into the next.

So what is this writing witchcraft on display?

Why would a writer choose to tjrow away the rule book and do this? 

My suggestion is to sit back and read the section yourself.

As you do this, you will notice that when you read it, you do so at pace and this changes how you feel when you read it, almost like you are being pulled through the text by a magnetic force.

There is a time and a place for short paragraphs, and there is also a time and place for a block like this.

But take a look at the mechanisms used by Ash here.

She takes the story of her life and tells it in descending order.

It is almost like a countdown timer, forcing you to get to the bottom of the text mentally, and as such, it means that you have to do less work to keep the reader decending intothe next line.

"20 years ago, 15, 14, 10, 9, 8, and today".

This descending mechanism of word structure is something I will be trying out in future for sure.

The result is that in just 11 lines you know that Ash isn't only a success, she has had an interesting journey too.

The Depth Link To Learn More

In the next section, Ash uses what I refer to as a 'depth link', and I have seen these used before.

From about pages, service pages and home pages too, they allow you to learn more with a few clicks.

The idea on this about page is that if you want to know even more about Ash, then you can click the link and read about her emotional journey. 

Depending on how you hear about Ash or what first drove you to click on her site, you will notice that Ash writes with such emotion that you can't help but be engaged.

And if you are wondering how as successful women feels emotionally, then you can learn via this link.

It is a link to her article" The 67 Emotions of Unconventional Success: My Story."

Which is Ash bearing her soul and revealing even more about her struggles in business and life.

This approach isn't going to be right for everyone, but if you are a personal blogger, coach or writer. Sharing your emotional rollercoaster helps to forge a deeper connection with your readers.

'Depth links' allow an audience to learn more about your business, product or services while keeping the copy on the landing page shorter and usually keeping the web designers happy.

Entertaining Facts That Keep You Reading 

Next up, we hit a list of 34 random facts about Ash and her life.

These are both interesting to read and also really shout at you 'hey, this stuff is great, you need to subscribe to her blog'.

In many ways, you can't read this and not want to learn more from Ash, and that is exactly how she handles the footer.

At the base is a full-width bar that directs you to 2 of her recent articles, along with the wide range of links at the base.

I love this style that combines both links to articles on the flanks and images in the middle. 

Ultimately the about page gives you places to go to read more and spend longer on site.


Any about page which both makes the customer smile, feel understood and showcases the business as the guide that the reader is looking for, to help them to solve their problems is going to win.

And especially if it is an about page that makes you want to read it.

Because let's face it, most are dreadful.

So, for this reason, I have no issues in saying Ash Ambirge has the best about age on the internet.

Click here to check out the mazing work from Ash herself.

OK, so what is your about page like? Boring as hell? Or evil genius?

Comment below to let me know what you think of this copywriting example and don't forget to join our thunder buddies email list and never miss a copywriting example again.


Andrew Holland.


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